Hunter Schaffer
Lake City High School
For 17-year-old Lake City High School student Hunter Schaffer, basketball offers a solace like no other where he can focus and forget about distractions.
“My favorite part about basketball is being able to forget everything else going on and just focusing on playing,” Hunter said.
The sport has also taught him how to overcome life's challenges, and he credits Coach Jim Winger for helping with this advice: “Things are not always going to go your way. This does not only apply to basketball but in several aspect of life,” he quoted his coach as saying. It's also helped Hunter keep his outlook positive when things aren’t going like he had hoped.
After graduation, Hunter would like to continue playing basketball, if possible, at the collegiate level. He is considering attending North Idaho College and then transferring to Boise State University. He’d like to incorporate sports and physical activity into whatever career he chooses. Throughout life, he'll take Coach Winger's advice on working hard even under adversity.
“You just have to continue and do the next right thing to become successful in whatever you do,” said Hunter.
Photo credits: Terri Simmons-Wright